What is CPD?

Continuing Professional Developement (CPD) is defined as a well-structured program of further education for graduates in professional occupations. The MAA CPD/E Membership Standard is designed to ensure all members regularly update their clinical skills, business skills and professional knowledge.


The CPD/E Membership Standard is founded on the following principles:

  • Easily accessible to all members, regardless of geographic location.
  • Members to be given broad latitude in the selection and design of their individual learning programs.
  • Applicable to not only direct client/patient care & massage therapy disciplines, but also to relevant practices supporting clinical practice or anything that can be linked to providing direct client/patient care or support to a clinical practice.
  • Encourages all aspects of clinical practice as well as activities associated in managing a small business e.g., bookkeeping, advertising and marketing, research, law and ethics.
  • Seminars, workshops and conferences that qualify for CPD points must be of a high standard and encompass both broad based topics as well as discipline-specific topics.
  • Financially viable so that costs are not prohibitive, especially to those in remote areas.
  • Relevant to the learning needs of practitioners, taking into account different learning styles and needs.
  • Collaborative process between professional complementary medicine associations, teaching institutions and government agencies to offer members the widest possible choice in CPD/E activities.
  • Effectively managed by MAA administration and the Board. 
  • Welcomes feedback from MAA members for the future development and implementation of the program.



All levels of membership are to maintain a minimum number of CPD/E points in accordance with their level.  

Non-Accredited Professional Members (Health & Wellbeing) need to maintain a minimum of:

10 CPD/E points as a requirement of your membership at all times.

Accredited Professional Members (Therapeutic, Remedial & Myotherapy Members), need to maintain a minimum of:

20 Provision of Massage & Manual Therapy (PMMT) points at all times.

10 Professional Practice & Other Supporting Education (PPOS) points at all times.

Health Funds can remove members from provider lists without notice1

Students (Therapist in Training) are required to maintain 0 CPD/E points.

Members on Leave require 0 CPD/E points in the first 12 months, members on extended leave (over 12 months) will be required to obtain some CPD/E2.  

Non-Practicing Members are required to maintain 0 CPD/E points.

1 This occurs in the event your CPD/E falls below the minimum threshold. The restoration of your provider number will only begin once your CPD/E is back at the minimum threshold. It may take the Health Funds up to 13 weeks to reinstate your provider numbers. 

2 Accredited Professional Members on extended leave (over 12 months) are required to obtain the minimum required level in the first 6 months of extended leave and then maintain the required level after this. All other membership levels are to complete at least one CPD/E activity each 12 months.


The onus of record keeping is the responsibility of each member BUT we are here to help.  

The requirement of proof is an essential factor in the CPD/E process, and that the evidence is readily available at all times. 

MAA has a commitment to assist with the storage of your CPD/E. Members are to submit all evidence of CPD/E through the member portal or by email to the office.

The two types of evidence are:

RTO/Provider Evidence Supplied:

An AQF certificate, academic transcript, statement of attainment or a certificate of Completion/Participation which states hours of participation, or equivalent CPD/E points issued by the entity conducting the CPD/E.

No Evidence Supplied by RTO/Provider:

CPD/E that has been completed with a training provider that does not issue a certificate of Completion/Participation which states hours of participation or equivalent CPD/E points, or the CPD/E was self-directed and not able to be awarded a certificate.   

In this case you will need to provide a MAA CPD/E Reflective Review



Like all things there needs to be some rules!

  • All CPD/E only lasts for 12 months.
  • All CPD/E events are capped at 25 Points.
  • CPD/E Events less than 30 Minutes are not allowed.
  • No courses that are required to meet membership compliancy are eligible for CPD/E points (i.e. HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid)
  • The same source document or training resource cannot be used again within 24 months of the last submission.



Free CPD/E

MAA will always strive to provide enough free CPD/E activities to our members to maintain their Membership Standard please follow these links to check out whats available:


MEMBERS ONLY CPD/E OPPORTUNITY (note you will need to be logged in to your members area to access this)