MAA Governance

Massage Association of Australia is a Company Limited by Guarantee and governed by a Board of Directors. The Board comprises of seven Directors who are responsible for the strategic direction and governance of the Association and reports to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) as required by the Corporations Law 2001.

The Board employs an Executive Officer who maintains and implements the strategies and policy of the Board. This is delivered to the membership through service, communication and representation.

Under the Association’s Constitution, up to five Directors from the voting members are elected prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Board may appoint up to a further three Directors to address the skill requirements of the Company and implement the Strategic Plan.

Committees also assist the Board in the implementation of projects within the Strategic Plan. All Directors and Committee members serve in the interests of the Association, the public and the diverse range of modalities across the profession. 


Chair of the Board of Directors

Murray Rutherford 

Murray is a successful therapist who focuses primarily on pain and injury management. His qualifications include over 30 soft tissue and manual therapies that are incorporated into a unique treatment style that is focused on client outcomes. This has lead him to be currently looking after the needs of the Scorpions NTL, Queensland Indoor Netball Team, 12 professional athletes including 2 world record holders and previously worked with several teams including the Queensland Reds. He has on many occasions worked with and for a number of different industry bodies to promote change through various aspects in the health care industry. He also volunteers with a number of not for profit groups and is a Justice of the Peace (Qual) in Queensland. Murray draws on his experience gained from previous employment including but not limited to being a Warrent Officer in The Australian Army, First aid Trainer and Assessor, Workplace Health and Safety officer (specialising in Occupational Violence prevention & Fire Safety), Defensive Tactics Instructor, Security (CPP) and a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer


Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors 

Lisa Randall

Lisa Randall is a highly skilled and long practicing therapist, trainer and business person who specialises in massage, body work, yoga, fitness, dermal therapies and nutrition.

After a 30+ year career working in Public Relations and Marketing roles in both the USA and Australia, she shifted gears into the wellness industry in 2010 which eventually lead her to opening an award winning Day Spa. She is also a qualified Trainer/Assessor and is currently delivering Cert III, Cert IV and Diploma courses via Registered Training Organisations within Brisbane.

Lisa’s aim as a serving Board member is to assist others who are emerging in the wellness and small business spheres by providing leadership and being a mentor where possible. In particular she is focused on developing programs and policies that will help members with their knowledge and practical skills in regard to delivering world class treatments and services, whilst improving their business skills and entrepreneurial opportunities. In addition to holding a Master of Arts (Communication) and Bachelor's Degree in Journalism/Marketing, Lisa is qualified with a Remedial Massage Diploma, Beauty Therapy Diploma, Cert III Business, 350 hour Yoga Teacher Training, Cert IV Training & Assessment and more In her downtime she enjoys teaching hot yoga, spending time with her family and pets and travelling to interesting cultural destinations.


Governance Supervisor

Earle Martin

The Massage Association of Australia Ltd (MAA) .



Joanne Griffiths

Jo has been a myotherapist for 25 years as well as a committed educator, teaching remedial massage and myotherapy for 20+ years.

She has worked across a wide range of healthcare settings, including private practice, sporting clubs and hospitals, as well as teaching Cert IV, Diploma, and Advanced Diploma students at TAFE's and private RTO's. Her involvement with a wide variety of professional associations and industry groups in advisory roles over the years has ensured that Jo is a well known and respected professional within the industry.

Jo enjoys working with a diverse range of clients and has a specialist interest in helping clients with lower back and neck pain, headaches and chronic conditions. She is currently studying a bachelor’s degree in Health Science (Clinical Myotherapy).

In her role as an MAA Board member, Jo has been working behind the scenes at improving and expanding upon the continuing education program and offering more services for members. Her future goals for MAA are to see the association adopt a modern structure and put a Strategic Plan in place encompassing the next 3 to 5 years.

Joanne lives with her family in Tasmania and loves indulging in the local coffee and cafe culture as well as bush walking.




Susan Podhorodecki


Susan brings a great deal of experience to the MAA Board through a career that has spanned a wide variety of roles and industries. Following her graduation from Secretarial College, she gained valuable skills in clerical work, payroll management, contract management, as well as sales and customer service. During this time, Sue was employed across a wide variety of sectors including private and public hospitals, accountancy, higher education institutes, various industries, service companies, and the insurance sector.

After taking time off to raise a family, she shifted her focus to healthcare, specialising in aromatherapy. Transitioning her passion into a business led to the completion of a Certificate IV in Aromatherapy incorporating the development of healing blends whilst educating clients on how to use aromatherapy in their daily routines.

Recognising the potential for addressing a wider range of health issues, Sue eventually expanded into massage therapy. She graduated from the Australian College of Fitness and Bodywork, and was able to seamlessly integrate aromatherapy and massage therapy into her busy practice, particularly focusing on the use of essential oils for pain management and muscle relaxation.

According to Sue, the journey of combining massage and aromatherapy has always been more important than the destination. As Mark Twain famously said, "Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

Sue is a continuing Board Member who has brought a great deal of knowledge and hands on experience to the table, and has proven to be a great asset to the Association in regard to strategic planning.


The Massage Association of Australia Ltd (MAA) 



Stephen King

Having a unique background being a dual-masters qualified Physiotherapist and Osteopath, as well as being an S + C Coach and Personal Trainer, Stephen is aware of the key issues health and fitness professionals around the world face.

As the Director of Movement Assessment Technologies and host of the 21st Century Physio TV & Podcast “Show More”, Steve has trained over 10000 health and fitness professionals around the world.

His addition to MAA as a Board Member is a valuable one as he will be assisting with developing CPD/E programs as well as policies to help improve the way we do things, but now and into the future.