Executive Officer Brendan Pejkovic
Brendan has more than 18 years’ experience with a variety of industry associations.
He is a senior manager with a proven ability to lead teams, develop and deliver strategic plans that meet the needs of his association, while ensuring responsible governance and financial practices. Brendan is coming to the Massage Association of Australia (MAA) from the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH), where he worked closely with the board, members, and the broader industry to develop and deliver the association’s membership strategies, conference programs, training and education courses and technical resources. He also coordinated AIRAH's voice on various regulatory committees and liaised with government on special projects related to the HVAC&R industry.
Brendan is commencing with MAA on April 15th and is looking forward to working with the Board on setting our strategic plan for the next three years, while getting to know our members and industry to ensure we are providing the right support and direction for the massage profession. He also encourages any members who wish to have a discussion with him to contact the office so he can hear your thoughts and ideas.